

Nikolaus Harnoncourt-Handel Theodora(2CD).jpg  




哈農庫特 (指揮) 維也納古樂團/韓德爾:泰歐朵拉 (2CD)

l 羅貝妲亞.亞歷珊大(女高音)、尤亨.柯瓦斯基(假聲男高音)、布洛赫維茲(男低音)、范涅絲(女低音)。

l 這份錄音的指揮手法,不講究煽惑力,忠實於樂譜,是非常重要的參考版本!


泰歐朵拉是韓德爾生平最後第二部神劇作品,創作於【所羅門王】之後,當時他已經六十四歲高齡。不同於先前的神劇,此劇採用羅馬時代為基督教殉教的聖女泰歐朵拉和改信基督教的愛人受難的經過,因此是韓德爾神劇中罕見的悲劇作品,也因為要傳達這種悲劇效果,此劇的音樂格外具有感染力而直接。韓德爾深愛此劇,視其為畢生代表作,可惜大家都只喜歡他的彌賽亞,對此劇頗不捧場,讓他為之扼腕。他甚至認為此劇第二幕中的「He saw the lovely youth」這首大合唱,遠遠勝過自己年輕時所寫的哈利路亞大合唱。這份一九九一年現場音樂會演出的實況錄音,啟用了多位當時頂尖的一流歌唱家,不同於同時代其他古樂家採用了古樂獨唱家,在此哈農庫特卻刻意採用表現能力更豐富的歌劇演唱家,這點在當時的古樂界是相當大膽的創新,但日後William ChristieFleming等人在英國Glyndebourne音樂節成功地映證了哈農庫特先知的眼界。這份錄音的指揮手法,不講究煽惑力,忠實於樂譜,是非常重要的參考版本。■2009.10


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CD 1:

  1. Overture
  2. Act 1 : "'tis Dioclesian's natal day"
  3. Act 1 : "Go, my faithful soldier"
  4. Act 1 : "And draw a blessing down"
  5. Act 1 : "Vouchsafe, dread Sir"
  6. Act 1 : "Racks, gibbets, sword and fire"
  7. Act 1 : "For ever thus stands"
  8. Act 1 : "Most cruel edict"
  9. Act 1 : "The raptur'd soul"
  10. Act 1 : "I know thy virtues"
  11. Act 1 : "Descend, kind pity"
  12. Act 1 : "Though hard, my friends"
  13. Act 1 : "Fond flatt'ring world"
  14. Act 1 : "Oh bright example"
  15. Act 1 : "Come, mighty Father"
  16. Act 1 : "Fly, fly, my brethren"
  17. Act 1 : "As with rosy steps"
  18. Act 1 : "All pow'r in heaven above"
  19. Act 1 : "Mistaken wretches"
  20. Act 1 : "Deluded mortal!"
  21. Act 1 : "Oh worse than death indeed"
  22. Act 1 : "Angels, ever bright and fair"
  23. Act 1 : "Unhappy, happy crew"
  24. Act 1 : "Kind Heaven"
  25. Act 1 : "Oh love, how great thy pow'r"
  26. Act 1 : "Go, gen'rous pious youth"
  27. Act 2 : "Ye men of Antioch"
  28. Act 2 : "Queen of summer"
  29. Act 2 : "Wide spread"
  30. Act 2 : "Return, Septimius"
  31. Act 2 : "Venus laughing from the skies"


CD 2:

  1. Act 2 : (Largo)
  2. Act 2 : "Oh thou bright sun"
  3. Act 2 : "With darkness deep"
  4. Act 2 : (Largo) II
  5. Act 2 : "But why art thou disquieted"
  6. Act 2 : "Septimius, I am a Christian"
  7. Act 2 : "Though the honours"
  8. Act 2 : "Oh save her then"
  9. Act 2 : "The clouds begin to veil"
  10. Act 2 : "Defend her, Heaven"
  11. Act 2 : "Or lull'd with grief"
  12. Act 2 : "Sweet rose and lily"
  13. Act 2 : "Oh save me, Heaven"
  14. Act 2 : "The pilgrim's home"
  15. Act 2 : "Forbid it, Heaven"
  16. Act 2 : "Ah! what is liberty"
  17. Act 2 : "To thee, thou glorious son"
  18. Act 2 : "'tis night"
  19. Act 2 : "He saw the lonely youth"
  20. Act 3 : "Lord to thee"
  21. Act 3 : "But see! The good, the virtuous Didymus"
  22. Act 3 : "Blessed be the hand"
  23. Act 3 : "Ah, Theodora! whence this sudden change"
  24. Act 3 : "Whither, princess, do you fly?"
  25. Act 3 : "She's gone"
  26. Act 3 : "Dwells there such virtuous courage"
  27. Act 3 : "From virtue springs"
  28. Act 3 : "Cease, ye slaves"
  29. Act 3 : "Oppose not, Didymus"
  30. Act 3 : "How strange their ends"
  31. Act 3 : "On me your frowns"
  32. Act 3 : "And must such beauty suffer?"
  33. Act 3 : "Streams of pleasure"
  34. Act 3 : "Ere this their doom is past"
  35. Act 3 : "Oh Love divine"

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